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destroying many

  • 1 πολυφθόρος

    A destroying many, fraught with death or ruin, ἁμέραι, ὄμβρος, Pi.N.8.31, I.5(4).49; of persons,

    π. ἐν δαΐ A.Th. 925

    II proparox. πολύφθορος, ον, [voice] Pass., utterly destroyed or ruined, Οἰχαλία, δῶμα, S.Tr. 477, El.10.
    2 (

    φθείρω 11.4

    ) involving or enduring many wanderings, π. τύχαι, πλάνη, A.Pr. 633, 820; of merchants, S.Fr.555.5.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πολυφθόρος

  • 2 πολυφθόροις

    masc /fem /neut dat pl
    destroying many: masc /fem /neut dat pl

    Morphologia Graeca > πολυφθόροις

  • 3 πολυφθόρου

    masc /fem /neut gen sg
    destroying many: masc /fem /neut gen sg

    Morphologia Graeca > πολυφθόρου

  • 4 πολυφθόρους

    masc /fem acc pl
    destroying many: masc /fem acc pl

    Morphologia Graeca > πολυφθόρους

  • 5 πολυφθόρω

    masc /fem /neut dat sg
    destroying many: masc /fem /neut dat sg

    Morphologia Graeca > πολυφθόρω

  • 6 πολυφθόρῳ

    masc /fem /neut dat sg
    destroying many: masc /fem /neut dat sg

    Morphologia Graeca > πολυφθόρῳ

  • 7 πολυφθόρος

    πολυφθόρος, -ον
    1 destroying many ἐν πολυφθόροις ἁμέραις (Boeckh: πολ. ἐν codd.) N. 8.31

    ἐν πολυφθόρῳ Διὸς ὄμβρῳ ἀναρίθμων ἀνδρῶν χαλαζάεντι φόνῳ I. 5.49

    Lexicon to Pindar > πολυφθόρος

  • 8 AF

    * * *
    prep. w. dat.
    I. Of place:
    1) off, from;
    G. hljóp af hesti sínum, G. jumped off his horse;
    ganga af mótinu, to go away from the meeting;
    Flosi kastaði af sér skikkjunni, threw off his cloak;
    Gizzur gekk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from the south-west;
    hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he had taken off his shoes;
    Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off;
    tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms;
    bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus;
    hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession;
    vil ek þú vinnir af þér skuldina, work off the debt;
    muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand;
    rísa af dauða, to rise from the dead;
    vakna af draumi, to awaken from a dream;
    lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse;
    vindr stóð af landi, the wind blew from the land;
    2) out of;
    verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world;
    gruflar hón af læknum, she scrambles out of the brook;
    Otradalr var mjök af vegi, far out of the way.
    Connected with út; föstudaginn fór út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town.
    II. Of time; past, beyond:
    af ómagaaldri, able to support oneself, of age;
    ek em nú af léttasta skeiði, no longer in the prime of life;
    þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, when seven weeks of summer are past;
    var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past.
    III. In various other relations:
    1) þiggja lið af e-m, to receive help from one;
    hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy;
    vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of one;
    féll þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s men fell there;
    þá eru þeir útlagir ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their goðorð;
    þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim;
    ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to give up;
    2) off, of;
    höggva fót, hönd, af e-m, to cut off one’s foot, hand;
    vil ek, at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, whatever you like of the stores;
    þar lá forkr einn ok brotit af endanum, with the point broken off;
    absol., beit hann höndina af, bit the hand off;
    fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off;
    3) of, among;
    hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum, the most promising of the young men;
    4) with;
    hláða, (ferma) skip af e-u, to load (freight) a ship with;
    fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring;
    5) of (= ór which is more frequent);
    húsit var gert af timbr stokkum, was built of trunks of trees;
    6) fig., eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him;
    hvat hefir þú gert af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar?;
    7) denoting parentage, descent, origin;
    ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, are descended from them;
    kominn af Trójumönnum, descended from the Trojans;
    8) by, of (after passive);
    ek em sendr hingat af Starkaði, sent hither by;
    ástsæll af landsmónnum, beloved of;
    9) on account of, by reason of, by;
    úbygðr at frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold;
    ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds;
    af ástæld hans, by his popularity;
    af því, therefore;
    af hví, wherefor why;
    af því at, because;
    10) by means of, by;
    framfœra e-n af verkum sínum, by means of his own labour;
    af sínu fé, by one’s own means;
    absol., hann fekk af hina mestu sœmd, derived great honour from it;
    11) with adjectives, in regard to;
    mildr af fé, liberal of money;
    góðr af griðum, merciful;
    12) used absol. with a verb, off away;
    hann bað hann þá róa af fjörðinn, to row the firth off;
    ok er þeir höfðu af fjörðung, when they had covered one forth of the way;
    sofa af nóttina, to sleep the night away.
    * * *
    prep. often used elliptically by dropping the case, or even merely adverbially, [Ulf. af; A. S. and Engl. of, off; Hel. ab; Germ. ab; Gr. άπό; Lat. a, ab.] With dat. denoting a motion a loco; one of the three prepp. af, ór, frá, corresponding to those in locoá, í, við, and ad locumá, í, at. It in general corresponds to the prepp. in locoá, or in locum til, whilst ór answers more to í; but it also frequently corresponds to yfir, um or í. It ranges between ór and frá, generally denoting the idea from the surface of, while ór means from the inner part, and frá from the outer part or border. The motion from a hill, plain, open place is thus denoted by af; by ór that from an enclosed space, depth, cavity, thus af fjalli, but ór of a valley, dale; af Englandi, but ór Danmörk, as mörk implies the notion of a deep wood, forest. The wind blows af landi, but a ship sets sail frá landi; frá landi also means a distance from: af hendi, of a glove, ring; ór hendi, of whatever has been kept in the hand (correl. to á hendi and í hendi). On the other hand af is more general, whilst frá and ór are of a more special character; frá denoting a departure, ór an impulse or force; a member goes home af þingi, whereas ór may denote an inmate of a district, or convey the notion of secession or exclusion from, Eb. 105 new Ed.; the traveller goes af landi, the exile ór landi: taka e-t af e-m is to take a thing out of one’s hand, that of taka frá e-m to remove out of one’s sight, etc. In general af answers to Engl. of, off, ór to out of, and frá to from: the Lat. prepp. ab, de, and ex do not exactly correspond to the Icelandic, yet as a rule ór may answer to ex, af sometimes to ab, sometimes to de. Of, off, from among; with, by; on account of by means of, because of concerning, in respect of.
    A. Loc.
    I. With motion, off, from:
    1. prop. corresp. to á,
    α. konungr dró gullhring af hendi sér (but á hendi), Ld. 32; Höskuldr lætr bera farm af skipi, unload the ship (but bera farm á skip), id.; var tekit af hestum þeirra, they were unsaddled, Nj. 4; Gunnarr hafði farit heiman af bæ sínum, he was away from home, 82; Gunnarr hljóp af hesti sínum, jumped off his horse (but hl. á hest), 83; hlaupa, stökkva af baki, id., 112, 264 ; Gunnarr skýtr til hans af boganum, from the bow, where af has a slight notion of instrumentality, 96; flýja af fundinum, to fly from off the battle-field, 102; ríða af Þríhyrningshálsum, 206; út af Langaholti, Eg. 744 ; sunnan ór Danmörk ok af Saxlandi, 560; ganga af mótinu, to go from the meeting, Fms. vii. 130; af þeirra fundi reis María upp ok fór, 625. 85 ; Flosi kastaði af ser skikkjunni, threw his cloak off him (but kasta á sik),Nj. 176; taka Hrungnis fót af honum, of a load, burden, Edda 58; land þat er hann fiskði af, from which he set off to fish, Grág. i. 151, is irregular, frá would suit better; slíta af baki e-s, from off one’s back, ii. 9 ; bera af borði, to clear the table, Nj. 75.
    β. where it more nearly answers to í; þeir koma af hafi, of sailors coming in (but leggja í haf), Nj. 128 ; fara til Noregs af Orkneyjum (but í or til O.), 131; þeim Agli fórst vel ok komu af hafi i Borgarfjörð, Eg. 392 ; hann var útlagi ( outlawed) af Noregi, where ór would be more regular, 344; af Islandi, of a traveller, Fms. x. 3; búa her af báðum ríkjunum, to take a levy from, 51; hinir beztu bændr ór Norðlendingafjórðungi ok af Sunnlendingafjórðungi, the most eminent Southerners and Northerners, 113; Gizzurr gékk af útsuðri at gerðinu, from south-west, Sturl. ii. 219; prestar af hvárutveggja biskupsdæmi, from either diocess, Dipl. ii. 11; verða tekinn af heimi, to be taken out of the world, 623. 21; gruflar hon af læknum, scrambles out of the brook, Ísl. ii. 340; Egill kneyfði af horninu í einum drykk, drained off the horn at one draught, literally squeezed every drop out of it, Eg. 557; brottuaf herbúðunurn, Fms. x. 343.
    γ. of things more or less surrounding the subject, corresp. to yfir or um; láta þeir þegar af sér tjöldin, break off, take down the tents in preparing for battle, Eg. 261; kyrtillinn rifnaði af honum, his coat burst, caused by the swollen body, 602; hann hafði leyst af sér skúa sína, he untied his shoes (but binda á sik), 716; Steinarr vildi slíta hann af sér, throw him off, of one clinging to one’s body, 747; tók Gísli þá af sér vápnin, took off his arms, Fms. vii. 39. Of putting off clothes; fara af kápu, Nj. 143; far þú eigi af brynjunni, Bs. i. 541; þá ætlaði Sigurðr at fara af brynjunni, id.; þá var Skarphéðinn flettr af klæðunum, Nj. 209: now more usually fara or klæðum, fötum, exuere, to undress.
    δ. connected with út; föstudaginn for út herrinn af borginni, marched out of the town, Nj. 274; ganga út af kirkjunni, to go out of the church, now út úr, Fms. vii. 107: drekki hann af þeirri jörðunni, of something impregnated with the earth, Laekn. 402.
    ε. more closely corresponding to frá, being in such cases a Latinism (now frá); bréf af páfa, a pope’s bull, Fms. x. 6; rit af hánum, letter from him, 623. 52; bréf af Magnúsi konungi, a letter from king Magnus, Bs. i. 712; farið þér á brautu af mér í eilífan eld, Hom. 143; brott af drottins augliti, Stj. 43.
    ζ. denoting an uninterrupted continuity, in such phrases as land aflandi, from land to land, Eg. 343, Fas. ii. 539; skip af skipl. from ship to ship, Fms. v. 10; brann hvat af öðru, one after another, of an increasing fire, destroying everything, i. 128; brandr af brandi brenn, funi kveykist af funa, one from another, Hm. 56; hverr af öðrum, one after another, in succession, also hverr at öðrum, Eb. 272, 280 (where at in both passages).
    2. metaph., at ganga af e-m dauðum, to go from, leave one dead on the spot, of two combatants; en hann segiz bani hins ef hann gekk af dauðum manni, Grág. ii. 88, Hkr. 1. 327; undr þykir mér er bróðir þinn vildi eigi taka af þér starf þetta, would not take this toil from thee, Nj. 77; þegnar hans glöddust af honum, were fain of him, Fms. x. 380; at koma þeim manni af sér er settr var á fé hans, to get rid of, Ld. 52; vil ek þú vinriir af þér skuldina, work off the debt, Njarð. 366; reka af sér, to repel, Sturl. ii. 219; hann á þá sonu er aldri munu af oss ganga, who will never leave us, whom we shall never get rid of, Fas. i. 280; leysa e-n af e-u, to relieve, 64; taka e-n af lífi, to kill, Eg. 48, 416, Nj. 126; af lífdögum, Fms. vii. 204; ek mun ná lögum af því máli, get the benefit of the law in this case, Eg. 468; muntu enga sætt af mér fá, no peace at my hand, 414; rísa af dauða, to rise from death, Fms. ii. 142; guð bætti honum þó af þessi sótt, healed him of this sickness, ix. 390; vakna af sýn, draumi, svefni, to awaken from a vision, dream, sleep, 655 xxxii. I, Gísl. 24, Eb. 192, Fas. i. 41. Rather with the notion out of, in the phrase af sér etc., e. g. sýna e-t af scr, to shew, exhibit a disposition for or against, Ld. 18; gera mikit af sér, to shew great prowess, Ísl. ii. 368; éf þú gerir eigi meira af þér um aðra leika, unless you make more of thyself, Edda 32; Svipdagr hafði mikit af sér gert, fought bravely, Fas. i. 41; góðr (illr) af sér, good ( bad) of oneself, by nature; mikill af sjálfum sér, proud, bold, stout, Nj. 15; ágætastr maðr af sjálfum sér, the greatest hero, Bret.: góðr af ser, excellent, Hrafn. 7; but, on the contrary, af sér kominn, ruinous, in decay; this phrase is used of old houses or buildings, as in Bs. i. 488 = Sturl. l. c.; af sér kominn af mæði can also be said of a man fallen off from what he used to be; kominn af fotum fram, off his legs from age, Sturl. i. 223, Korm. 154 (in a verse).
    1. denoting direction from, but at the same time continuous connection with an object from which an act or thing proceeds, from; tengja skip hvárt fram af stafni annars, to tie the ships in a line, stem to stern, Fms. i. 157, xi. 111; svá at þeir tóku út af borðum, jutted out of the boards, of rafters or poles, iv. 49; stjarna ok af sem skaft, of a comet, ix. 482; lúka upp af hrossi, to open a gate from off a horse, Grág. ii. 264; hon svarar af sínu sæti sem álpt af baru, Fás. i. 186; þar er sjá mátti utau af firði, af þjóðleið, that might be seen from the fareway on the sea when sailing in the firth, Hkr. ii. 64; þá mun hringt af (better at) Burakirkju, of bells rung at the church, Fms. xi. 160; gengr þar af Meðalfellsströnd, projects from, juts out, of a promontory, Ld. 10.
    2. denoting direction alone; upp af víkinni stóð borg mikil, a burg inland from the inlet, Eg. 161; lokrekkja innar af seti, a shut bed inward from the benches in the hall, Ísl. ii. 262; kapella upp af konungs herbergjum, upwards from, Fms. x. 153; vindr stóð af landi, the wind stood off the land, Bárð. 166.
    β. metaph., stauda af e-u, vide VI. 4.
    γ. ellipt., hallaði af norðr, of the channel, north of a spot, Boll. 348; also, austr af, suðr af, vestr af, etc.
    3. denoting absence; þingheyendr skulu eigi vera um nótt af þingi ( away from the meeting), eðr lengr, þá eru þeir af þingi ( away from (be meeting) ef þeir eru or ( out of) þingmarki, Grág. i. 25; vera um nótt af várþingi, 115; meðan hann er af landi héðan, abroad, 150.
    β. metaph., gud hvíldi af öllum verkum sínum á sjaunda degi, rested from his labours, Ver. 3.
    4. denoting distance; þat er komit af þjóðleið, out of the high road, remote, Eg. 369; af þjóðbraut, Grág. ii. 264, i. 15; Otradalr (a farm) var mjök af vegi, far out of the way, Háv. 53.
    B. TEMP, past, from, out of, beyond:
    1. of a person’s age, in the sense of having past a period of life; af ómaga aldri, of age, able to support oneself, Grág. i. 243; af aeskualdri, stricken in years, having past the prime of life, Eg. 202; lítið af barnsaldri, still a child, Ld. 74; ek em nú af léttasia skeiði, no longer in the prime of life, Háv. 40.
    2. of a part or period of time, past; eigi síðar en nótt er af þingi, a night of the session past, Grág. i. 101; þá er sjau vikur eru af sumri, seven weeks past of the summer, 182; tíu vikur af sumri, Íb. 10; var mikit af nótt, much of the night was past, Háv. 41; mikið af vetri, much of the winter was past, Fas. ii. 186; þriðjungr af nótt, a third of the night past, Fms. x. 160; stund af degi, etc.; tveir mánoðr af sumri, Gþl. 103.
    3. in adverbial phrases such as, af stundu, soon; af bragði, at once; af tómi, at leisure, at ease; af nýju, again; af skyndingu, speedily; af bráðungu, in a hurry, etc.
    C. In various other relations:
    I. denoting the passage or transition of an object, concrete or abstract, of, from.
    1. where a thing is received, derived from, conferred by a person or object; þiggja lið af e-m, to derive help from, Edda 26; taka traust af e-m, to receive support, comfort from, Fms. xi. 243; taka mála af e-m, to be in one’s pay, of a soldier, Eg. 266; halda land af e-m, to hold land of any one, 282; verða viss af e-m, to get information from, 57, Nj. 130; taka við sök af manni (a law term), to undertake a case, suit, Grág. i. 142; hafa umboð af e-m, to be another’s deputy, ii. 374; vera góðs (ills) maklegr af e-m, to deserve good (bad) of, Vd. 88 (old Ed., the new reads frá), Fs. 45; afla matar af eyjum, to derive supplies from, Eb. 12.
    2. where an object is taken by force:
    α. prop. out of a person’s hand; þú skalt hnykkja smíðit af honum, wrest it out of his hand, Nj. 32; cp. taka, þrífa, svipta e-u (e-t) af e-m, to wrest from.
    β. metaph. of a person’s deprival of anything in general; hann tók af þér konuna, carried thy wife off, Nj. 33; tók Gunnarr af þér sáðland þitt, robbed thee of seedland, 103; taka af honum tignina, to depose, degrade him, Eg. 271; vinna e-t af e-m, to carry off by force of arms, conquer, Fms. iii. 29; drepa menn af e-m, for one, slay one’s man, Eg. 417; fell þar lið mart af Eyvindi, many of Eyvind’s people fell there, 261.
    γ. in such phrases as, hyggja af e-u (v. afhuga), hugsa af e-u, to forget; hyggja af harmi; sjá af e-u, to lose, miss; var svá ástúðigt með þeim, at livargi þóttist mega af öðrum sjá, neither of them could take his eyes off the other, Sturl. i. 194; svá er mörg við ver sinn vær, at varla um sér hon af hoiuun nær, Skálda 163.
    3. denoting forfeiture; þá eru þeir útlagir, ok af goðorði sínu, have forfeited their priesthood, Grág. i. 24; telja hann af ráðunum fjár síns alls, to oust one, on account of idiocy or madness, 176; verða af kaupi, to be off the bargain, Edda 26; þá skalt þú af allri fjárheimtunni, forfeit all the claim, Nj. 15; ek skal stefna þér af konunni, summon thee to forfeit, a case of divorce, id.; ella er hann af rettarfari um hana, has forfeited the suit, Grág. i. 381.
    β. ellipt., af ferr eindagi ef, is forfeited, Grág. i. 140.
    II. denoting relation of a part to a whole, off, of, Lat. de; höggva hönd, höfuð, fót af e-um, to cut one’s hand, head, foot off, Nj. 97, 92, Bs. i. 674; höggva spjót af skapti, to sever the blade from the shaft, 264; hann lét þá ekki hafa af föðurarfi sínum, nothing of their patrimony, Eg. 25; vil ek at þú takir slíkt sem þér líkar af varningi, take what you like of the stores, Nj. 4; at þú eignist slíkt af fé okkru sem þú vili, 94.
    β. ellipt., en nú höfum vér kjörit, en þat er af krossinum, a slice of, Fms. vii. 89; Þórðr gaf Skólm frænda sínum af landnámi sínu, a part of, Landn. 211; hafði hann þat af hans eigu er hann vildi, Sturl. ii. 169; þar lá forkr einn ok brotið af endanum, the point broken off, Háv. 24, Sturl. i. 169.
    γ. absol. off; beit hann höndina af, þar sem nú heitir úlfliðr, bit the hand off, Edda 17; fauk af höfuðit, the head flew off, Nj. 97; jafnt er sem þér synist, af er fótrinn, the foot is off, id.; af bæði eyru, both ears off, Vm. 29.
    2. with the notion ofamong; mestr skörungr af konum á Norðrlöndum, the greatest heroine in the North, Fms. i. 116; hinn efniligasti maðr af ungum mönnum í Austfjörðum, the most hopeful of youths in the Eastfirths, Njarð. 364; af ( among) öllurn hirðmönnuni virði konungr mest skáld sín, Eg. 27; ef hann vildi nokkura kaupa af þessum konum, Ld. 30; ör liggr þar útiá vegginum, ok er sú af þeirra örum, one of their own arrows, Nj. 115.
    β. from, among, belonging to; guð kaus hana af ollum konum sér til móður, of the Virgin Mary, Mar. A. i. 27.
    γ. metaph., kunna mikit (lítið) af e-u, to know much, little of, Bragi kann mest af skáldskap, is more cunning of poetry than any one else, Edda 17.
    δ. absol. out of, before, in preference to all others; Gunnarr bauð þér góð boð, en þú vildir eingi af taka, you would choose none of them, Nj. 77; ráða e-t af, to decide; þó mun faðir minn mestu af ráða, all depends upon him, Ld. 22; konungr kveðst því mundu heldr af trúa, preferred believing that of the two, Eg. 55; var honum ekki vildara af ván, he could expect nothing better, 364.
    3. with the additional sense of instrumentality, with; ferma skip af e-u, to freight a ship with, Eg. 364; hlaða mörg skip af korni, load many ships with corn, Fms. xi. 8; klyfja tvá hesta af mat, Nj. 74; var vágrinn skipaðr af herskipum, the bay was covered with war ships, 124; fylla ker af glóðum, fill it with embers, Stj. 319; fylla heiminn af sínu kyni, to fill the world with his offspring, Ver. 3.
    III. denoting the substance of which a thing is made, of; used indifferently with ór, though ór be more frequent; þeir gerðu af honum jörðina, af blóði hans sæinn ok vötnin, of the creation of the world from the corpse of the giant Ymir; the poem Gm. 40, 41, constantly uses ór in this sense, just as in modern Icelandic, Edda 5; svá skildu þeir, at allir hlutir væri smíðaðir af nokkru efni, 147 (pref.); húsit var gert af timbrstokkum, built of trunks of timber, Eg. 233; hjöhin vóru af gulli, of gold, golden, Fms. i. 17; af osti, of cheese, but in the verse 1. c. ór osti, Fms. vi. 253; línklæði af lérepti, linen, Sks. 287.
    2. metaph. in the phrases, göra e-t af e-n ( to dispose of), verða af ( become of), hvat hefir þú gört af Gunnari, what hast thou done with Gunnar? Njarð. 376; hvat af motrinuni er orðit, what has become of it? of a lost thing, Ld. 208; hverfr Óspakr á burt, svá eigi vita menn hvat af honum er orðit, what has become of him? Band. 5.
    IV. denoting parentage, descent, origin, domicile, abode:
    1. parentage, of, from, used indifferently with frá; ok eru af þeim komnir Gilsbekkingar, descend from them, but a little below—frá honum eru konmir Sturlungar, Eb. 338, cp. afkvæmi; af ætt Hörðakára, Fms. i. 287; kominn af Trojumönnum, xi. 416; af Ása-ætt (Kb. wrongly at), Edda I.
    β. metaph., vera af Guði (theol.), of God, = righteous, 686 B. 9; illr ávöxtr af íllri rót, Fms. ii. 48; Asia er kölluð af nafni nokkurar konu, derives her name from, Stj. 67; af honum er bragr kallaðr skáldskapr, called after his name, Edda 17.
    2. of domicile; af danskri tungu, of Danish or Scandinavian origin, speaking the Danish tongue, Grág. ii. 73; hvaðan af löndum, whence, native of what country? Ísl.
    β. especially denoting a man’s abode, and answering to á and í, the name of the farm (or country) being added to proper names, (as in Scotland,) to distinguish persons of the same name; Hallr af Síðu, Nj. 189; Erlingr af Straumey, 273; Ástríðr af Djúpárbakka, 39; Gunnarr af Hlíðarenda (more usual frá); þorir haklangr konungr af Ögðum, king of Agdir, Eg. 35, etc.; cp. ór and frá.
    V. denoting a person with whom an act, feeling, etc. originates, for the most part with a periphrastic passive:
    1. by, the Old Engl. of; as, ek em sendr hingað af Starkaði ok sonum hans, sent hither by, Nj. 94; inna e-t af hendi, to perform, 257; þó at alþýða væri skírð af kennimönnum, baptized of, Fms. ii. 158; meira virðr af mönnum, higher esteemed, Ld. 158; ástsæll af landsmönnum, beloved, íb. 16; vinsæll af mönnum, Nj. 102; í allgóðu yfirlæti af þeim feðgum, hospitably treated by them, Eg. 170; var þá nokkut drukkið af alþjóð, there was somewhat hard drinking of the people, Sturl. iii. 229; mun þat ekki upp tekið af þeim sükudólgum mínum, they will not clutch at that, Nj. 257; ef svá væri í hendr þér búit af mér, if í had so made everything ready to thy hands, Ld. 130; þá varð fárætt um af föður hans, his father said little about it, Fms. ii. 154.
    2. it is now also sometimes used as a periphrase of a nom., e. g. ritað, þýtt af e-m, written, translated, edited by, but such phrases scarcely occur in old writers.
    VI. denoting cause, ground, reason:
    1. originating from, on account of, by reason of; af frændsemis sökum, for kinship’s sake, Grág. ii. 72; ómáli af áverkum, speechless from wounds, 27; af manna völdum, by violence, not by natural accident, of a crime, Nj. 76; af fortölum Halls, through his pleading, 255; af ástsæld hans ok af tölum þeirra Sæmundar, by his popularity and the eloquence of S., Íb. 16; af ráðum Haralds konungs, by his contriving, Landn. 157; úbygðr af frosti ok kulda, because of frost and cold, Hkr. i. 5.
    β. adverbially, af því, therefore, Nj. 78; af hví, why? 686 B. 9; þá verðr bóndi heiðinn af barni sínu, viz. if he does not cause his child to be christened, K. Þ. K. 20.
    2. denoting instrumentality, by means of; af sinu fé, by one’s own means, Grág. i. 293; framfæra e-n af verkum sinum, by means of one’s own labour, K. Þ. K. 142; draga saman auð af sökum, ok vælum ok kaupum, make money by, 623. I; af sínum kostnaði, at hi s own expense, Hkr. i. 217.
    β. absol., hún fellir á mik dropa svá heita at ek brenn af öll, Ld. 328; hann fékk af hina mestu sæmd, derived great honotur from it, Nj. 88; elli sótti á hendr honum svá at hann lagðist í rekkju af, he grew bedridden from age, Ld. 54; komast undan af hlaupi, escape by running, Fms. viii. 58; spinna garn af rokki, spin off a wheel (now, spinna á rokk), from a notion of instrumentality, or because of the thread being spun out (?), Eb. 92.
    3. denoting proceeding, originating from; lýsti af höndum hennar, her hands spread beams of light, Edda 22; allir heimar lýstust ( were illuminated) af henni, id.; en er lýsti af degi, when the day broke forth, Fms. ii. 16; lítt var lýst af degi, the day was just beginning to break, Ld. 46; þá tók at myrkja af nótt, the ‘mirk-time’ of night began to set in, Eg. 230; tók þá brátt at myrkva af nótt, the night grew dark, Hkr. ii. 230.
    4. metaph., standa, leiða, hljótast af, to be caused by, result from; opt hlýtst íllt af kvenna hjali, great mischief is wrought by women’s gossip (a proverb), Gísl. 15, 98; at af þeim mundi mikit mein ok úhapp standa, be caused by, Edda 18; kenna kulda af ráðum e-s, to feel sore from, Eb. 42; þó mun her hljótast af margs manns bani, Nj, 90.
    5. in adverbial phrases, denoting state of mind; af mikilli æði, in fury, Nj. 116; af móð, in great emotion, Fms. xi. 221; af áhyggju, with concern, i. 186; af létta, frankly, iii. 91; af viti, collectedly, Grág. ii. 27; af heilu, sincerely, Eg. 46; áf fári, in rage; af æðru, timidly, Nj. (in a verse); af setning, composedly, in tune, Fms. iii. 187; af mikilli frægð, gallantly, Fas. i. 261; af öllu afli, with all might, Grág. ii. 41; af riki, violently, Fbr. (in a verse); af trúnaði, confidently, Grág. i. 400.
    VII. denoting regard to, of, concerning, in respect of, as regards:
    1. with verbs, denoting to tell of, be informed, inquire about, Lat. de; Dioscorides segir af grasi því, speaks of, 655 xxx. 5; er menn spurðu af landinu, inquired about it, Landn. 30; halda njósn af e-u, Nj. 104; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, Eg. 546, Band. 8.
    β. absol., hann mun spyrja, hvárt þér sé nokkut af kunnigt hversu for með okkr, whether you know anything about, how, Nj. 33; halda skóla af, to hold a school in a science, 656 A. i. 19 (sounds like a Latinism); en ek gerða þik sera mestan mann af öllu, in respect of all, that you should get all the honour of it, Nj. 78.
    2. with adjectives such as mildr, illr, góðrafe-u, denoting disposition or character in respect to; alira manna mildastr af fo, very liberal, often-banded, Fms. vii. 197; mildr af gulli, i. 33; góðr af griðum, merciful, Al. 33; íllr af mat en mildr af gulli, Fms. i. 53; fastr af drykk, close, stingy in regard to, Sturl. ii. 125; gat þess Hildigunnr at þú mundir góðr af hestinum, that you would be good about the horse, Nj. 90, cp. auðigr at, v. at, which corresponds to the above phrases; cp. also the phrase af sér above, p. 4, col. I, ll. 50 sqq.
    VIII. periphrasis of a genitive (rare); provincialis af öllum Predikaraklaustrum, Fms. x. 76; vera af hinum mesta fjandskap, to breathe deep hatred to, be on bad terms with, ix. 220; af hendi, af hálfu e-s, on one’s behalf, v. those words.
    IX. in adverbial phrases; as, af launungu, secretly; af hljóði, silently; v. those words.
    β. also used absolutely with a verb, almost adverbially, nearly in the signification off, away; hann bað þá róa af fjörðinn, pass the firth swiftly by rowing, row the firth off, Fms. ix. 502; var pá af farit þat seni skerjóttast var, was past, sailed past, Ld. 142; ok er þeir höfðu af fjórðung, past one fourth of the way, Dropl. 10: skína af, to clear up, of the skv, Eb. 152; hence in common language, skína af sér, when the sun breaks forth: sofa af nóttina, to sleep it away, Fms. ii. 98; leið af nóttin, the night past away, Nj. 53; dvelja af stundir, to kill the time, Band. 8; drepa af, to kill; láta af, to slaughter, kill off;
    γ. in exclamations; af tjöldin, off with the awnings, Bs. i. 420, Fins, ix. 49.
    δ. in the phrases, þar af, thence; hér af, hence, Fms. ii. 102; af fram, straight on, Nj. 144; now, á fram, on, advance.
    X. it often refers to a whole sentence or to an adverb, not only like other prepp. to hér, hvar, þar, but also redundantly to hvaðan, héðan, þaðan, whence, hence, thence.
    2. the preposition may sometimes be repeated, once elliptically or adverbially, and once properly, e. g. en er af var borit at borðinu, the cloth was taken off from the table, Nj. 176; Guð þerrir af (off, away) hvert tár af ( from) augum heilagra manna, God wipes off every tear from the eyes of his saints, 655 xx. vii. 17; skal þó fyrst bætr af lúka af fé vegaiula, pay off, from, Gþl. 160, the last af may be omitted—var þá af borið borðinu—and the prep. thus be separated from its case, or it may refer to some of the indecl. relatives er or sem, the prep. hvar, hér, þar being placed behind them without a case, and referring to the preceding relative, e. g. oss er þar mikit af sagt auð þeim, we have been told much about these riches, Band. 24; er þat skjótast þar af at segja, in short, shortly. Eg. 546; þaðan af veit ek, thence í infer, know, Fms. i. 97.
    XI. it is moreover connected with a great many verbs besides those mentioned above, e. g. bera af, to excel, whence afbragð, afbrigði; draga af, to detract, deduct, hence afdráttr; veita ekki af, to be hard with; ganga at, to be left, hence afgangr; standast af um e-t, to stand, how matters stand; sem af tekr, at a furious rate; vita af, to be conscious, know about (vide VII).
    D. As a prefix to compounds distinction is to be made between:
    I. af privativum, denoting diminution, want, deduction, loss, separation, negation of, etc., answering indifferently to Lat. ab-, de-, ex-, dis-, and rarely to re- and se-, v. the following COMPDS, such as segja, dicere, but afsegja, negare; rækja, colere, but afrækja, negligere; aflaga, contra legem; skapligr, normalis, afskapligr, deformis; afvik, recessus; afhús, afhellir, afdalr, etc.
    II. af intensivum, etymologically different, and akin to of, afr-, e. g. afdrykkja = ofdrykkja, inebrietas; afbrýði, jealously; afbendi, tenesmus; afglapi, vir fatuus, etc. etc. Both the privative and the intensive af may be contracted into á, esp. before a labial f, m, v, e. g. á fram = af fram; ábrýði = afbrýði; ávöxtr = afvöxtr; áburðr = afburðr; ávíta = afvíta (?). In some cases dubious. With extenuated and changed vowel; auvirðiligr or övirðiligr, depreciated, = afv- etc., v. those words.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > AF

  • 9 tipo

    1 guy, chap, fellow, character.
    2 type, category, kind, class.
    Un nuevo orden de dificultad A new kind of difficulty.
    3 letter type, type.
    * * *
    1 (clase) type, kind
    2 FINANZAS rate
    3 ANATOMÍA (de hombre) build, physique; (de mujer) figure
    4 familiar (persona) guy, fellow, bloke
    aguantar el tipo figurado to keep cool, keep calm
    dar el tipo figurado to fit a description, fit the bill
    jugarse el tipo figurado to risk one's neck
    tener buen tipo (hombre) to be well-built 2 (mujer) to have a good figure
    todo tipo de all kind of, all kinds of
    tipo de cambio FINANZAS rate of exchange
    tipo de interés FINANZAS rate of interest
    tipo raro weirdo, oddball
    * * *
    1. noun m.
    1) type
    2) kind, sort
    2. (f. - tipa)
    guy / gal
    * * *
    tipo, -a
    SM / F * (=individuo) (=hombre) guy *, bloke *; (=mujer) chick *, bird *, dame (EEUU) *

    ¿quién es ese tipo? — who's that guy o bloke? *

    2. SM
    1) (=clase) type, kind, sort

    un coche de otro tipo pero del mismo precioa different type o kind o sort of car but for the same price

    todo tipo de... — all sorts o kinds of...

    2) (Bot, Literat, Zool) type
    3) (Com, Econ) rate

    tipo bancario, tipo base — base rate

    4) (=figura, cuerpo) [de hombre] build; [de mujer] figure

    tener buen tipo[hombre] to be well built; [mujer] to have a good figure

    5) (Tip) type
    3. ADJ INV
    1) (=similar a)
    2) (=típico) average, typical

    dos conductores tipotwo average o typical drivers

    * * *
    - pa masculino, femenino (fam) (m) guy (colloq), bloke (BrE colloq); (f) woman
    1) ( clase) kind, type, sort
    a) ( figura - de mujer) figure; (- de hombre) physique

    jugarse el tipo — (Esp fam) to risk one's neck (colloq)

    b) ( aspecto) appearance

    dar el tipo — (Esp) to be the type

    3) (Fin) rate
    4) (Impr) type
    5) (como adj inv) typical

    una serie tipo `Dallas' — a `Dallas'-type series

    6) (como adv) (CS fam) around, about
    * * *
    - pa masculino, femenino (fam) (m) guy (colloq), bloke (BrE colloq); (f) woman
    1) ( clase) kind, type, sort
    a) ( figura - de mujer) figure; (- de hombre) physique

    jugarse el tipo — (Esp fam) to risk one's neck (colloq)

    b) ( aspecto) appearance

    dar el tipo — (Esp) to be the type

    3) (Fin) rate
    4) (Impr) type
    5) (como adj inv) typical

    una serie tipo `Dallas' — a `Dallas'-type series

    6) (como adv) (CS fam) around, about
    * * *
    1 = category, class, degree, form, kind, nature, sort, type, ilk, stripe.

    Ex: For some categories of materials it can be difficult to distinguish publishers from distributors and/or producers.

    Ex: The following highlights are what this first class of Fellows recall of their time overseas.
    Ex: This degree of standardisation is not the pattern outside of this specific area of application.
    Ex: It is under the chosen form of heading that the catalogue entry for a particular document is filed and hence located.
    Ex: Document descriptions may be drafted for a wide variety of different kinds of library material, but some common principles can be established.
    Ex: Since all of the headings are alphabetical words, it is possible to interfile entries regardless of the nature of their heading.
    Ex: Thoughts of this sort kept running about like clockwork mice in his head, while the murmur of chatter filled the room and outside dusk had yielded to black night.
    Ex: There are a number of types of abstracts or labels that can be applied to abstracts.
    Ex: Perhaps she would be well advised to read that book and others of its ilk to see if she could learn something about surviving in the corporate world.
    Ex: The field of computational linguistics is exciting insomuch as it permits linguists of different stripes to model language behaviour.
    * algún tipo de = some, some sort of.
    * algún tipo de + Nombre = one kind of + Nombre + or another.
    * almuerzo tipo bufé = lunch buffet, buffet lunch.
    * asociación de compradores de un tipo de productos = consumers union.
    * con todo tipo de comodidades = with all mods and cons.
    * con todo tipo de lujos = with all mods and cons.
    * contra todo (tipo) de riesgo = against all risks.
    * de algún tipo = of some description.
    * de algún tipo u otro = of some sort.
    * de cierto tipo = of a sort, of sorts.
    * de cualquier tipo = in any way [in anyway], in all forms.
    * de diversos tipos = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * de diverso tipo = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another.
    * del mismo tipo que las oficinas = office-type.
    * de tipo general = broad scoped.
    * de tipo medio = middle-range.
    * de todos los tipos = of all stripes.
    * de todo tipo = of all sorts, of every sort, of all stripes, of all shapes and sizes.
    * de un tipo u otro = of one type or another, of one sort or another, of one kind or another, of some description.
    * de varios tipos = multitype [multi-type].
    * diabetes del tipo 2 = type 2 diabetes.
    * el tipo de = the range of.
    * ese tipo de cosas = that sort of thing.
    * este tipo de = such.
    * este tipo de cosas = this sort of thing.
    * examen tipo test = multiple choice test.
    * existen de muchos tipos = come in + many guises.
    * gente de todo tipo = people from all walks of life.
    * haber de muchos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * haber de muy diversos tipos = come in + all/many (sorts of) shapes and sizes.
    * identidad clase-tipo = type-token identity.
    * índice permutado del tipo KWIC = KWICed index.
    * mismo tipo de = same range of.
    * necesitar tomar cierto tipo de decisiones = require + judgement.
    * Nombre + de este tipo = such + Nombre.
    * para todo tipo de tiempo = all-weather.
    * pregunta tipo test = multiple choice question.
    * que combina diferentes tipos de re = multi-source [multi source].
    * recorte de los tipos de interés = rate cut, interest-rate cut.
    * reducción de los tipos de interés = interest-rate cut.
    * reducción de tipo impositivo = tax abatement.
    * relación clase-tipo = type-token ratio.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind, differ in + kind (from).
    * sin ningún tipo de restricciones = no holds barred.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de un sólo tipo = single-type library system.
    * sistema bibliotecario de bibliotecas de varios tipos = multitype library system.
    * subida de los tipos de interés = rate increase, interest-rate increase.
    * tipo de cambio = exchange rate, rate of exchange.
    * tipo de cuidado = nasty piece of work.
    * tipo de gravamen = tax rate.
    * tipo de gravamen marginal = marginal tax rate.
    * tipo de impuestos = band of taxation.
    * tipo de interés = interest rate.
    * tipo de interés base = base rate, prime rate.
    * tipo de interés preferente = base rate, prime rate.
    * tipo de persona = public.
    * tipo de resumen = abstracting format.
    * tipo de servicio = style of service.
    * tipo fiscal = tax rate.
    * tipo fiscal marginal = marginal tax rate.
    * tipo impositivo = income tax bracket, tax rate, tax bracket.
    * tipo impositivo marginal = marginal tax rate.
    * tipo noticias = news-type.
    * tipo preferencial = preferential rate.
    * tipo preferente = preferential rate.
    * tipo publicitario = display type.
    * tipos como = the likes of.
    * tipos de búsqueda = retrieval facilities, search facilities.
    * tipos reducción de los tipos de interés = rate cut.
    * tipo televisor = television-type.
    * todo tipo de = all sorts of, all manner of.
    * todo tipo de gustos = all shades of opinion.
    * un tipo de = a kind of.
    * variación de los tipos de cambio = exchange rate change.
    * y todo este tipo de cosas = and all this sort of thing.

    2 = font, face, type, fount.
    Nota: Un grupo de caracteres tipográficos de un tamaño determinado, como por ejemplo Roman 8.

    Ex: No longer is the user constrained to a supplied set of fonts.

    Ex: The demand for the old faces came to an abrupt end and the founders withdrew them from sale, some even destroying the old punches and matrices as so much scrap.
    Ex: Plaster was mixed with water and poured over the type, and allowed to set; when it had hardened it was lifted off the page (the oil preventing it from sticking to the type), and baked hard in an oven.
    Ex: Incunabulists, indeed, work on the assumption that a fount belonging to a fifteenth-century printer was unique to him, which is likely to be true enough of the fount as cast, but is not necessarily true of its punches.
    * altura del tipo movible = height-to-paper, type height.
    * diseñador de tipos = type designer.
    * diseño de tipos = type design [type-design].
    * fundición de tipos = typefounding.
    * fundidor de tipos = punch-cutter [punchcutter], type-founder [typefounder], cutter of type.
    * fundir tipos = cast + type.
    * machacar los tipos = batter + type.
    * máquina fundidora de tipos = typecasting machine.
    * taller de fundición de tipos = type-foundry.
    * tipo autoespaciador = self-spacing type.
    * tipo decorativo = display type.
    * tipo de imprenta = book face, printing type, type.
    * tipo de letra = type face [typeface], typing, type font [typefont], fount, type specimen [type-specimen], fount of type.
    * tipo fundido = cast type.
    * tipo movible = punch.
    * tipo movible de acento = accent punch.
    * tipo móvil = moveable type.
    * tipos móviles = movable type.

    3 = fellow, chap, guy, dude, joker, bloke.
    Nota: Coloquial.

    Ex: From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.

    Ex: In practice, however, such democratic attitudes among the mighty seem to have as little effect on the behaviour of those who serve them as did the remark made by King George V at his Jubilee in 1935, 'I'm really quite an ordinary sort of chap'.
    Ex: The general opinion of Edward Wood seemed to be summed up in the words of one staff member, who said, 'Ed Wood's a prince of a guy'.
    Ex: This is one of those movies that preaches nonviolence, even as the good guy is knocking the hell out of a few dozen dudes.
    Ex: Then I followed these two jokers to a liquor store where they got them some alchy.
    Ex: The blokes don't bat an eyelid that you're a girl -- they take no prisoners when they're trying to get the ball!.
    * jugarse el tipo (por) = stick + Posesivo + neck out (for).
    * mantener el tipo = keep + a stiff upper lip.

    * * *
    tipo1 -pa
    masculine, feminine
    1 ( fam) ( masculine) guy ( colloq); ( feminine) woman
    me parece una tipa sensacional I think she's an amazing woman
    2 ( pey) ( masculine) guy ( colloq), character ( pej), woman, female ( colloq pej)
    ¿pero qué se habrá creído este tipo? but who does this guy o character think he is?
    A (clase) kind, type, sort
    tiene todo tipo de herramientas en el taller he has all kinds of tools in his workshop
    ¿qué tipo de música te gusta más? what sort of music do you like best?
    es muy simpático, pero no es mi tipo he's very nice, but he's not my type
    B ( Bot, Zool) type; (en antropología) type
    1 (figurade una mujer) figure; (de un hombre) physique
    aguantar or mantener el tipo ( Esp); to put on a brave face
    jugarse el tipo ( Esp); to risk one's neck
    lucir el tipo ( Esp); to parade around
    2 (aspecto) appearance
    será conde, pero no tiene tipo de aristócrata he may well be a count, but he doesn't look like an aristocrat
    una mujer de tipo distinguido a distinguished-looking woman
    dar el tipo ( Esp); to be the type
    no parece que dé el tipo he doesn't seem the type
    D ( Fin) rate
    exchange rate
    cross exchange rate
    tipo de interés preferencial or preferente
    prime rate
    E ( Impr) type
    F ( como adj inv) typical
    el/la profesional tipo the typical o average professional person
    exámenes tipo specimen papers
    una serie tipo Dallas a Dallas-type series
    G ( como adv) (CS fam) around, about
    vénganse tipo cuatro come around o about four o'clock
    * * *


    tipo 1
    ◊ -pa sustantivo masculino, femenino (fam) (m) guy (colloq), bloke (BrE colloq);

    (f) woman
    tipo 2 sustantivo masculino
    1 ( clase) kind, type, sort;

    no es mi tipo he's not my type
    2 ( figurade mujer) figure;
    (— de hombre) physique
    3 ( como adv) (CS fam) around, about;

    tipo sustantivo masculino
    1 (modelo, clase) type, kind, sort: María no es mi tipo, Maria isn't my type
    me gusta ese tipo de gente, I like that kind of people
    no es de ese tipo de personas, he's not that sort of person
    ese tipo de coche, that type o kind of car
    2 fam (individuo) guy, bloke, fellow
    tipo raro, weirdo
    un buen tipo, a good sort
    un tipo simpático, a nice chap
    3 (constitución física) build, physique
    (de mujer) figure: tiene buen tipo, she has a good figure
    4 Econ rate
    tipo de cambio, exchange rate
    tipo de descuento, bank rate
    tipo de interés, interest rate
    5 Tip (de letra) type
    Tip Inform font
    ♦ Locuciones: dar el tipo, to live up to other people's expectations
    figurado jugarse el tipo, to risk one's neck
    mantener o aguantar el tipo, to keep one's cool
    ' tipo' also found in these entries:
    - callada
    - callado
    - cambiar
    - catalogar
    - clase
    - cuidada
    - cuidado
    - delgada
    - delgado
    - desbordar
    - determinada
    - determinado
    - elemento
    - especie
    - estaquilla
    - fibra
    - fiebre
    - género
    - índole
    - lectura
    - macanuda
    - macanudo
    - más
    - mina
    - naturaleza
    - orden
    - puñetera
    - puñetero
    - scud
    - sedán
    - silueta
    - speed
    - suerte
    - tan
    - antipático
    - corriente
    - cuate
    - divertido
    - forma
    - fresco
    - fulano
    - grande
    - individuo
    - interés
    - interesar
    - loco
    - particular
    - pata
    - pesado
    - all
    - arrogant
    - bloke
    - boogie
    - brand
    - build
    - chap
    - class
    - clause
    - crook
    - current
    - delicatessen
    - deposit
    - description
    - duck
    - dude
    - exchange rate
    - figure
    - flaky
    - flat
    - form
    - freely
    - going
    - guy
    - high tops
    - individual
    - interest rate
    - kid
    - kind
    - lending
    - LIBOR
    - marmalade
    - muffin
    - neck
    - neither
    - nut
    - open
    - prime rate
    - rate
    - send down
    - shapely
    - sort
    - suited
    - survey
    - tax bracket
    - tough
    - trim
    - type
    - typeface
    * * *
    tipo, -a
    Fam [hombre] guy, Br bloke; [mujer] woman; [mujer joven] girl
    1. [clase] type, sort;
    no es mi tipo he's not my type;
    todo tipo de all sorts of;
    vinieron personas de todo tipo all sorts of people came;
    no me gustan las películas de ese tipo I don't like movies like that o those sorts of movies
    2. [cuerpo] [de mujer] figure;
    [de hombre] build;
    tiene muy buen tipo she has a very good body;
    jugarse el tipo to risk one's neck;
    aguantar o [m5] mantener el tipo to keep one's cool, not to lose one's head;
    dar el tipo to be up to standard o scratch
    3. Econ rate
    tipo básico [de interés] base rate; [de impuestos] basic rate;
    tipo de cambio exchange rate, rate of exchange;
    tipo de descuento discount rate;
    tipo impositivo tax rate;
    tipo de interés interest rate;
    tipo de interés fijo fixed interest rate;
    tipo de interés variable variable o floating interest rate;
    tipo marginal marginal rate;
    tipo mínimo minimum rate;
    tipo preferencial prime (lending) rate
    4. Imprenta type
    5. Biol type
    adj inv
    1. [estándar]
    el boliviano/la dieta tipo the average Bolivian/diet
    un pantalón tipo pitillo a pair of drainpipe trousers;
    una película tipo Rambo a Rambo-style movie
    RP Fam [aproximadamente] like;
    llegaron tipo nueve they arrived at, like, nine o'clock;
    se casó hace tipo cinco años she got married something like five years ago
    * * *
    1 type, kind;
    no es mi tipo he’s not my type
    2 fam
    persona guy fam
    3 COM rate
    tener buen tipo de hombre be well built; de mujer have a good figure;
    jugarse el tipo fam risk one’s neck;
    aguantar el tipo fam keep one’s cool
    * * *
    tipo nm
    1) clase: type, kind, sort
    2) : figure, build, appearance
    3) : rate
    tipo de interés: interest rate
    4) : (printing) type, typeface
    5) : style, model
    un vestido tipo 60's: a 60's-style dress
    tipo, -pa n, fam : guy m, gal f, character
    * * *
    tipo n
    1. (clase) type / kind / sort
    ¿qué tipo de coche quieres? what sort of car do you want?
    2. (de mujer) figure
    es modelo, tiene buen tipo she's a model, she's got a good figure
    3. (de hombre) body
    4. (individuo) guy / bloke

    Spanish-English dictionary > tipo

  • 10 Leben

    I v/i
    1. (am Leben sein) live; (nicht tot sein) be alive; man lebt nur einmal you only have one life to live, you only live once; lebt er noch? is he still alive?; er wird nicht mehr lange leben he hasn’t got much longer to live, his days are numbered; so wahr ich lebe! I swear it; lebst du noch? umg., hum., iro. well, hello stranger; ich habe alles, was ich zum Leben brauche I have all I need to keep body and soul together; wir leben nicht mehr im 19. Jahrhundert iro. this isn’t the 19th century(, you know); wie gehts? - man lebt ( so eben) umg. how are things? - surviving
    2. eine bestimmte Lebensweise haben: leben von (Nahrung) live on ( oder off); (Tätigkeit etc.) live from ( oder off), make a living with ( oder by + Ger.), (Verdienst, Rente) live on; vegetarisch leben be a vegetarian; makrobiotisch leben live on macrobiotic food(s); gesund / ungesund leben lead a healthy / an unhealthy life; in gesunden/ungesunden Verhältnissen: live in healthy / unhealthy conditions; sie leben ganz gut they don’t do too badly (for themselves); nach einem Grundsatz leben live in accordance with a principle, stick to a principle; leben und leben lassen live and let live; sie lebt nur für ihre Kunst she only lives for her art
    3. (wohnen) live; wie lange leben Sie schon hier? how long have you been living here?; ich träume davon, in Neuseeland zu leben my dream is to (go and) live in New Zealand
    4. fig., Andenken etc.: live on; die Statue lebt the statue is very ( oder so) lifelike; das Stück lebt nicht there’s no life in the play
    5. es lebe...! three cheers for...!; es lebe der König / die Königin! long live the King / Queen!; leben Sie wohl farewell; Tag1 4 etc.
    6. unpers.: es lebt sich ganz angenehm / bequem etc. life’s quite pleasant / comfortable etc.; hier lebt es sich gut it’s not a bad life here, life’s not bad here
    II v/t: ein angenehmes / bequemes etc. Leben leben lead a pleasant / comfortable etc. life, have a pleasant / comfortable ( oder an easy) etc. lifestyle; sein Leben noch einmal leben live one’s life (over) again; sein eigenes Leben leben lead an independent life, go one’s own way; seinen Glauben leben geh. live according to one’s faith ( oder beliefs)
    * * *
    das Leben
    existence; life; lifetime
    * * *
    Le|ben ['leːbn]
    nt -s, -
    1) life

    das Lében — life

    das Lében des Menschen/der Tiere etc — the life of man/animals etc

    am Lében sein/bleiben — to be/stay alive

    das Lében als Milchmann — life as a milkman, a milkman's life

    das Lében Hemingways — Hemingway's life, the life of Hemingway

    habento have one's life ahead of or in front of or before/behind one

    solange ich am Lében bin — as long as I live

    sich des Lébens freuen, das or sein Lében genießen — to enjoy life

    das or sein Lében verlieren — to lose one's life

    jdm das Lében retten — to save sb's life

    es geht um Lében und Tod, es ist eine Sache auf Lében und Tod — it's a matter of life and death

    wenn dir dein Lében lieb ist — if you value your life

    ein glückliches etc Lében führen — to lead a happy etc life

    mit dem Lében davonkommen — to escape with one's life

    mit dem Lében spielen, sein Lében aufs Spiel setzen — to take one's life in one's hands, to dice with death

    mit dem Lében abschließen — to prepare for death

    seinem Lében ein Ende machen or bereiten — to put an end to one's life

    zu neuem Lében verhelfen — to breathe new life into sth, to revitalize sth

    etw ins Lében rufen — to bring sth into being

    or befördern (inf)to kill sb, to take sb's life, to take care of sb (inf); (bei Hinrichtung auch) to put sb to death

    seines Lébens nicht mehr sicher sein — to fear for one's life

    ums Lében kommen — to die, to lose one's life

    sein Lében lassen (müssen) — to lose one's life

    jdn am Lében lassen — to spare sb's life

    um sein Lében laufen or rennen — to run for one's life or for dear life

    das Lében nehmen — to take one's (own) life

    jdn wieder ins Lében zurückrufen — to bring sb back to life; Bewusstlosen to revive sb, to bring sb round (Brit) or around (US)

    was ist das für ein Lében? — what kind of (a) life is that?

    der Mann/die Frau meines Lébens — my ideal man/woman

    etw für sein Lében gern tun — to love doing sth, to be mad about doing sth (inf)

    etw für sein Lében gern essen/trinken — to be mad about sth (inf), to love sth

    jdn künstlich am Lében erhalten — to keep sb alive artificially

    ein Lében in Frieden/in Armut etc — a life of peace/poverty etc

    er hat es nie leicht gehabt im Lében — he has never had an easy life

    ein Lében lang — one's whole life (long)

    zum ersten Mal or das erste Mal im Lében — for the first time in one's life

    ich habe noch nie im or in meinem Lében geraucht — I have never smoked (in) all my life or in my whole life

    nie im Lében! — never!

    sich durchs Lében schlagen — to struggle through (life)

    ins Lében treten — to go out into the world

    im Lében stehen — to have some standing in the world

    (draußen) im Lében ist das ganz anders — in real life it's very different

    ein Roman, den das Lében schrieb — a novel of real life

    ein Film nach dem Lében — a film from real life

    das Lében geht weiter — life goes on

    unser Lében währet siebenzig Jahr... (Bibl)the days of our years are three score years and ten (Bibl)

    so ist das Lében (eben) — that's life, such is life, that's the way the cookie crumbles (inf)

    2) (= Betriebsamkeit) life

    auf dem Markt herrscht reges Lében — the market is a hive of activity

    in dieser Stadt ist wenigstens Lében — at least there is some life in this town

    voller Lében stecken — to be full of life

    es war überhaupt kein Lében in seinem Vortrag — there wasn't a spark of life in his lecture

    * * *
    1) (living and not dead: Queen Victoria was still alive in 1900.) alive
    2) ((a way of) life: an uneventful existence.) existence
    3) (to stay alive; to continue to live: It is possible to exist on bread and water.) exist
    4) (the quality belonging to plants and animals which distinguishes them from rocks, minerals etc and things which are dead: Doctors are fighting to save the child's life.) life
    5) (the period between birth and death: He had a long and happy life.) life
    6) (liveliness: She was full of life and energy.) life
    7) (a manner of living: She lived a life of ease and idleness.) life
    8) (the period during which any particular state exists: He had many different jobs during his working life.) life
    9) (living things: It is now believed that there may be life on Mars; animal life.) life
    10) (to have life; to be alive: This poison is dangerous to everything that lives.) live
    11) (to pass (one's life): He lived a life of luxury; She lives in fear of being attacked.) live
    * * *
    <-s, ->
    sein \Leben aushauchen (geh) to breathe one's last liter
    jdn vom \Leben zum Tode befördern (geh) to put sb to death form
    etw mit dem [o seinem] \Leben bezahlen (geh) to pay for sth with one's life
    am \Leben bleiben/sein to remain [or stay]/be alive
    solange er am Leben ist, wird das Haus nicht verkauft as long as he lives the house won't be sold
    jdn ums \Leben bringen (geh) to take sb's life
    mit dem \Leben davonkommen to escape with one's life
    seinem \Leben ein Ende setzen (euph) to take one's life euph
    jdn [künstlich] am \Leben erhalten to keep sb alive [artificially]
    [bei etw dat/während einer S. gen] ums \Leben kommen to die [in sth/during sth], to lose one's life [in sth/during sth]
    jdn das \Leben kosten (geh) to cost sb his/her life
    sein \Leben [für jdn/etw] lassen (geh) to give one's life [for sb/sth]
    jdn am \Leben lassen to let sb live
    um sein \Leben laufen [o rennen] to run for one's life
    sich dat das \Leben nehmen (euph) to take one's life euph
    jdm das [o jds] \Leben retten to save sb's life
    aus dem \Leben scheiden (geh) to depart this world form
    jdm das \Leben schenken (geh: jdn gebären) to give birth to sb; (jdn am Leben lassen) to let sb live
    mit seinem \Leben spielen to put one's life at risk
    [bei etw dat/während einer S. gen] das [o sein] \Leben verlieren to lose one's life [in/during sth]
    jdn ins \Leben zurückrufen to revive sb
    2. (Existieren) life
    das ewige \Leben eternal life
    sich akk seines \Lebens freuen to enjoy [one's] life
    das \Leben geht weiter life goes on
    sein \Leben genießen/verpfuschen to enjoy/ruin one's life
    am \Leben hängen to love life
    das [o sein] \Leben hinter sich dat haben to have one's life behind one, to have had one's innings fam
    das [o sein] \Leben vor sich dat haben to have one's [whole] life before one
    ein [o jds] \Leben lang one's [or sb's] whole life
    nie im \Leben [o im \Leben nicht] never
    jdm/sich das \Leben schwer machen to make life difficult for sb/oneself
    so ist das \Leben [eben] that's life, such is life
    das [o ein] \Leben nach dem Tod[e] life after death
    zeit jds \Lebens as long as sb lives
    ich war zeit meines \Lebens noch nie beim Arzt I have never consulted a doctor in all my life
    3. (Alltag, Lebensweise) life
    ein \Leben in Armut/im Luxus a life of poverty/luxury
    ein geruhsames/hektisches \Leben führen to lead a quiet/hectic life
    das \Leben Picassos Picasso's life, the life of Picasso
    das süße \Leben the life of Riley fam
    das tägliche \Leben everyday life
    sich akk [mit etw dat] durchs \Leben schlagen to struggle to make a living [doing sth]
    das wirkliche \Leben real life
    das \Leben zu zweit life as a couple
    4. (Lebewesen) life
    es gibt kein \Leben auf jenem Planeten there's no life on that planet
    etw zum [o zu neuem] \Leben erwecken to bring sth back to life, to revive sth
    etw ins \Leben rufen to found [or establish] sth
    das öffentliche \Leben public life
    eine Figur [o Person] des öffentlichen \Lebens a public figure
    6. (Lebhaftigkeit) life
    der Roman ist ohne \Leben there is no life in the novel
    \Leben in etw akk bringen to put some life into sth
    voller \Leben sein to be full of life
    7. (Lebensinhalt) life
    ihr Garten war ihr \Leben her garden was her life
    wie das blühende \Leben aussehen to look in the pink hum
    \Leben in die Bude bringen (fam) to liven things up
    seines \Lebens nicht mehr froh werden to have a rotten life
    aus dem Leben gegriffen sein to be a slice of life
    es geht um [o ist eine Sache auf] \Leben und Tod it's a matter of life and death
    etw für sein \Leben gern tun to love doing sth
    ich esse für mein \Leben gern Schokolade I love chocolate
    ich würde für mein \Leben gern verreisen I'd love to travel
    jds \Leben hängt an einem dünnen [o seidenen] Faden sb's life is hanging by a thread
    jdm das \Leben zur Hölle machen to make sb's life hell
    wenn dir dein \Leben lieb ist if your life means sth to you
    das nackte \Leben retten [o mit dem nackten \Leben davonkommen] to barely escape with one's life
    ein Roman den/ein Stück das das \Leben schrieb a novel/a play of real life
    seines \Lebens nicht mehr sicher sein (fam) to fear for one's life
    [bei etw dat] sein \Leben aufs Spiel setzen to risk one's life [doing sth]
    wie das \Leben so spielt (fam) as is the way of the world
    jds \Leben steht auf dem Spiel sb's life is at risk
    jdm nach dem \Leben trachten to be out to kill sb
    * * *
    das; Lebens, Leben
    1) life

    sich (Dat.) das Leben nehmen — take one's [own] life

    am Leben sein/bleiben — be/stay alive

    seines Lebens nicht [mehr] sicher sein — not be safe [any more]

    etwas für sein Leben gern essen/tun — love something/doing something

    mit dem Leben davonkommen/das nackte Leben retten — escape/barely escape with one's life

    ein/sein [ganzes] Leben lang — one's whole life long

    noch nie im Leben/zum erstenmal im Leben — never in/for the first time in one's life

    nie im Leben, im Leben nicht! — (ugs.) not on your life! (coll.); never in your life! (coll.)

    so ist das Leben — such is life; that's the way things go

    die Musik ist ihr Leben — music is her [whole] life

    * * *
    Leben n; -s, -
    1. life; (Dasein) auch existence; (Sein) being;
    so ist das Leben (nun einmal) that’s life, such is life; umg that’s the way the cookie crumbles;
    am Leben sein be alive;
    am Leben bleiben stay alive, survive;
    mit dem Leben davonkommen survive, escape;
    am Leben erhalten keep alive;
    er hängt am Leben he really enjoys life, Todkranker: he’s not ready to die yet;
    sein Leben teuer verkaufen sell one’s life dearly;
    jemandem das Leben schenken spare sb’s life;
    einem Kind das Leben schenken geh bring a child into the world;
    Leben spendend geh life-giving;
    Leben zerstörend geh life-destroying;
    sich (dat)
    das Leben nehmen take one’s (own) life;
    setzen put an end to one’s life;
    (freiwillig) aus dem Leben scheiden geh euph die by one’s own hand;
    ums Leben kommen be killed;
    es geht um Leben und Tod it’s a matter of life and death;
    rennen run for dear life
    2. (Lebenszeit) life(time);
    das Leben vor/hinter sich (dat)
    haben have one’s whole life ahead of one/have done with life;
    das Geschäft meines/seines etc
    Lebens the best deal I have/he has etc ever done, the deal of a lifetime
    3. (Lebensweise) (way of) life, auch pej lifestyle;
    das Leben in Australien life in Australia;
    ein Leben in Armut/im Überfluss a life of poverty/luxury;
    das einfache Leben the simple life;
    das süße Leben la dolce vita;
    das Leben genießen enjoy life;
    das Leben ist schon schwer it’s a hard life;
    jemandem das Leben sauer machen make sb’s life a misery;
    sich mühsam durchs Leben schlagen have a hard struggle through life;
    das Stück ist aus dem Leben gegriffen the play is a slice of life;
    ein Stück nach dem Leben a play taken from real life, a slice of life
    4. (Lebenskraft, Lebendigkeit) life, vitality; (geschäftiges Treiben) activity, bustle; im Gesichtsausdruck: animation;
    Leben in eine Sache bringen put some life into sth;
    Leben ins Haus bringen Kinder: liven up the place;
    Leben in die Bude bringen umg liven things up;
    das Stück hat kein Leben the play lacks vitality, there’s no life in the play;
    voll(er) Leben full of life (umg beans); Straßen: full of activity ( oder bustle)
    5. (Lebensbeschreibung) life, biography;
    Leben des Galilei Titel: The Life of Galileo;
    aus seinem Leben erzählen recount stories from one’s life;
    Leben und Werk großer Künstler the lives and works of great artists
    6. (Geschehen) life;
    das wirtschaftliche/kulturelle Leben einer Stadt the business/cultural life of a town;
    im öffentlichen Leben stehen be active in public life
    7. (Lebewesen pl) life;
    auf dem Mond ist kein Leben there’s no life on the moon
    ich würde für mein Leben gern dorthin fahren I’d give anything to go there, I’d love to go there;
    nie im Leben! umg never; (auf gar keinen Fall) auch not on your life;
    ins Leben rufen call into being, start (up);
    ins Leben treten step into the big, wide world;
    wie das Leben so spielt life is full of surprises;
    nicht ums Leben möchte ich das: not for anything (in the world); abschließen B 2, blühend, erwecken 2, ewig A, froh, lassen C 6; nackt, passieren B, trachten etc
    * * *
    das; Lebens, Leben
    1) life

    sich (Dat.) das Leben nehmen — take one's [own] life

    am Leben sein/bleiben — be/stay alive

    seines Lebens nicht [mehr] sicher sein — not be safe [any more]

    etwas für sein Leben gern essen/tun — love something/doing something

    mit dem Leben davonkommen/das nackte Leben retten — escape/barely escape with one's life

    ein/sein [ganzes] Leben lang — one's whole life long

    noch nie im Leben/zum erstenmal im Leben — never in/for the first time in one's life

    mit beiden Beinen od. Füßen im Leben stehen — have one's feet firmly on the ground

    nie im Leben, im Leben nicht! — (ugs.) not on your life! (coll.); never in your life! (coll.)

    so ist das Leben — such is life; that's the way things go

    die Musik ist ihr Leben — music is her [whole] life

    * * *
    -- n.
    existence n.
    life n.
    (§ pl.: lives)
    lifetime n.
    livings n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Leben

  • 11 destruir

    to destroy.
    El temblor destruyó la pared The quake destroyed the wall.
    Sus trucos destruyeron a María His tricks destroyed Mary.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ HUIR], like link=huir huir
    1 to destroy
    2 figurado to destroy, ruin, wreck
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ objeto, edificio] to destroy
    2) (=estropear) [+ amistad, matrimonio, armonía] to wreck, destroy; [+ argumento, teoría] to demolish; [+ esperanza] to dash, shatter; [+ proyecto, plan] to wreck, ruin
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <documentos/pruebas> to destroy; < ciudad> to destroy; < medio ambiente> to damage
    b) ( echar por tierra) < reputación> to ruin; < plan> to wreck; < esperanzas> to dash, shatter

    le destruyó la vida — it/he wrecked o destroyed his/her life

    * * *
    = demolish, destroy, knock out, scupper, wipe out, trash, pull apart, sweep away, knock down, rack [wrack], wreak + destruction, destruct, shred, wreck, decimate, lay + waste to, wash out, run down, break down, blow up, rubbish, stomp + Nombre + out, smash.
    Ex. Having just demolished enumerative classification to some extent in the previous section, it is reasonable to ask how effective menu-based information retrieval systems might be.
    Ex. I am frequently taken to task as someone who would try to destroy the integrity of certain catalogs on the West Coast.
    Ex. Two years ago Hurricane Hugo nearly knocked out Charleston.
    Ex. This arrangement could definitely help solve the librarian's problems, unless unexpected events scupper it.
    Ex. Strong economic forces, inflation and an over-strong pound wiped out any noticeable benefits of EEC membership to industry.
    Ex. At the same time, the author takes issue with the view that the great libraries of America are being ' trashed' by the rush towards technology.
    Ex. If solutions are not found to meet this challenge, users' hunger for multimedia could pull the Internet apart.
    Ex. Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex. Your note attempts to knock down an assertion not made.
    Ex. Both countries that have been wracked for the last ten years by violent civil wars.
    Ex. The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.
    Ex. That means that the abstractions of scientific knowledge reduce the reality and even destruct it.
    Ex. If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' 'blown away,' or ' shredded'.
    Ex. They had made a secret deal with Otto Reich to wreck Cuba's economy.
    Ex. Insect pests decimate a significant proportion of the world's food supply and transmit a number of deadly human diseases.
    Ex. The mutilation of periodicals is laying waste to vital and expensive periodical collections in all kinds of library across the USA, and it seems to strike academic libraries with particular virulence.
    Ex. Some sections of road washed out by flood waters.
    Ex. It really is time we stopped kow-towing to every Tom, Dick and Harry who runs down our industry.
    Ex. It describes our experience in combatting mould which grew as a result of high humidity and temperatures when the air conditioning system broke down for several days after several days of rain.
    Ex. The article 'The library has blown up!' relates the short circuit in the main electrical circuit board of Porstmouth Public Library caused by electricians who were carrying out routine work.
    Ex. The theory of Scandinavian racial purity cherished by Hitler and the Nazis has been rubbished by new scientific research.
    Ex. Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.
    Ex. The library was badly vandalised and the intruders overturned 10 large bookcases, tore paintings down, emptied catalogues, and smashed intercoms, chairs, tables and windows.
    * chocar destruyendo = smash into.
    * destruir completamente = blow + Nombre + to bits.
    * destruir la esperanza = shatter + Posesivo + hopes.
    * destruir un mito = explode + myth.
    * fuego + destruir = fire + destroy.
    * fuego + destruir por completo = fire + gut.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <documentos/pruebas> to destroy; < ciudad> to destroy; < medio ambiente> to damage
    b) ( echar por tierra) < reputación> to ruin; < plan> to wreck; < esperanzas> to dash, shatter

    le destruyó la vida — it/he wrecked o destroyed his/her life

    * * *
    = demolish, destroy, knock out, scupper, wipe out, trash, pull apart, sweep away, knock down, rack [wrack], wreak + destruction, destruct, shred, wreck, decimate, lay + waste to, wash out, run down, break down, blow up, rubbish, stomp + Nombre + out, smash.

    Ex: Having just demolished enumerative classification to some extent in the previous section, it is reasonable to ask how effective menu-based information retrieval systems might be.

    Ex: I am frequently taken to task as someone who would try to destroy the integrity of certain catalogs on the West Coast.
    Ex: Two years ago Hurricane Hugo nearly knocked out Charleston.
    Ex: This arrangement could definitely help solve the librarian's problems, unless unexpected events scupper it.
    Ex: Strong economic forces, inflation and an over-strong pound wiped out any noticeable benefits of EEC membership to industry.
    Ex: At the same time, the author takes issue with the view that the great libraries of America are being ' trashed' by the rush towards technology.
    Ex: If solutions are not found to meet this challenge, users' hunger for multimedia could pull the Internet apart.
    Ex: Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex: Your note attempts to knock down an assertion not made.
    Ex: Both countries that have been wracked for the last ten years by violent civil wars.
    Ex: The author laments the demise of the paper card catalogue as a 'paroxysm of shortsightedness and antiintellectualism' on the part of over zealous librarians, wreaking destruction in a class with the burning of the library at Alexandria.
    Ex: That means that the abstractions of scientific knowledge reduce the reality and even destruct it.
    Ex: If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' 'blown away,' or ' shredded'.
    Ex: They had made a secret deal with Otto Reich to wreck Cuba's economy.
    Ex: Insect pests decimate a significant proportion of the world's food supply and transmit a number of deadly human diseases.
    Ex: The mutilation of periodicals is laying waste to vital and expensive periodical collections in all kinds of library across the USA, and it seems to strike academic libraries with particular virulence.
    Ex: Some sections of road washed out by flood waters.
    Ex: It really is time we stopped kow-towing to every Tom, Dick and Harry who runs down our industry.
    Ex: It describes our experience in combatting mould which grew as a result of high humidity and temperatures when the air conditioning system broke down for several days after several days of rain.
    Ex: The article 'The library has blown up!' relates the short circuit in the main electrical circuit board of Porstmouth Public Library caused by electricians who were carrying out routine work.
    Ex: The theory of Scandinavian racial purity cherished by Hitler and the Nazis has been rubbished by new scientific research.
    Ex: Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.
    Ex: The library was badly vandalised and the intruders overturned 10 large bookcases, tore paintings down, emptied catalogues, and smashed intercoms, chairs, tables and windows.
    * chocar destruyendo = smash into.
    * destruir completamente = blow + Nombre + to bits.
    * destruir la esperanza = shatter + Posesivo + hopes.
    * destruir un mito = explode + myth.
    * fuego + destruir = fire + destroy.
    * fuego + destruir por completo = fire + gut.

    * * *
    1 ‹documentos/pruebas› to destroy; ‹ciudad› to destroy
    productos que destruyen el medio ambiente products that damage the environment
    2 (echar por tierra) ‹reputación› to ruin; ‹plan› to ruin, wreck; ‹esperanzas› to dash, shatter
    los problemas económicos destruyeron su matrimonio financial problems wrecked o ruined their marriage
    la droga está destruyendo muchas vidas drugs are wrecking o ruining o destroying the lives of many people
    * * *


    destruir ( conjugate destruir) verbo transitivo
    a)documentos/pruebas to destroy;

    ciudad to destroy;
    medio ambiente to damage

    plan to wreck;
    esperanzas to dash, shatter
    destruir verbo transitivo to destroy
    ' destruir' also found in these entries:
    - barrer
    - dinamitar
    - minar
    - socavar
    - anular
    - consumir
    - liquidar
    - flatten
    - gut
    - nuke
    - obliterate
    - shatter
    - zap
    - explode
    - ruin
    - shred
    * * *
    1. [destrozar] to destroy
    2. [desbaratar] [argumento] to demolish;
    [proyecto] to ruin, to wreck; [ilusión, esperanzas] to dash; [reputación] to ruin; [matrimonio, relación] to wreck; [pareja] to break up
    3. [hacienda, fortuna] to squander
    * * *
    1 destroy
    2 ( estropear) ruin, wreck
    * * *
    destruir {41} vt
    : to destroy
    * * *
    destruir vb to destroy

    Spanish-English dictionary > destruir

  • 12 सुख _sukha

    सुख a. [सुख-अच्]
    1 Happy, delighted, joyful, pleased.
    -2 Agreeable, sweet, charming, pleasant; विविक्तवर्णाभरणा सुखश्रुतिः Ki.14.3; दिशः प्रसेदुर्मरुतो ववुः सुखाः R.3.14; so सुखश्रवा निस्वनाः 3.19.
    -3 Virtuous, pious.
    -4 Taking delight in, favourable to; Ś.7.18.
    -5 Easy practicable; श्रेयांसि लब्धुमसुखानि विनान्तरायैः Ki.5.49.
    -6 Fit, suitable.
    -खा 1 The capital of Varuṇa.
    -2 (In phil.) The effort to win future beatitude.
    -3 Piety, virtue.
    -खम् 1 Happiness, joy, delight, pleasure, comfort; यदेवोपनतं दुःखात् सुखं तद्रसवत्तरम् V. 3.21.
    -2 Prosperity; अद्वैतं सुखदुःखयोरनुगुणं सर्वास्ववस्थासु यत् U.1.39.
    -3 Well-being, welfare, health; देवीं सुखं प्रष्टुं गता M.4.
    -4 Ease, comfort, alleviation (of sorrow &c.); oft in comp; as in सुखशयित, सुखोपविष्ट, सुखाश्रय &c.
    -5 Facility, easiness, ease.
    -6 Heaven, Paradise.
    -7 Water.
    -खम् ind.
    1 Happily, joyfully; भ्रातृभिः सहितो रामः प्रमुमोद सुखं सुखी Rām.7.41.1.
    -2 Well; सुखमास्तां भवान् 'many you fare well'.
    -3 At ease, comfortably; असंजातकिणस्कन्धः सुखं स्वपिति गौर्गडिः K. P. 1.
    -4 Easily, with ease; अज्ञः सुखमाराध्यः सुखतरमाराध्यते विशेषज्ञः Bh.2.3; सुखमुपदिश्यते परस्य K.
    -4 Rather, willingly.
    -5 Quietly, placidly; सुखं रात्रीः शयिता वीतमन्युः Kaṭh.1.11.
    -Comp. -अन्त a.
    1 ending in happiness.
    -2 friendly.
    -3 destroying happiness.
    -अधिष्ठानम् a happy state.
    -अभियोज्य a. easily assailable.
    -अभ्युदयिक a. causing joy or pleasure; सुखाभ्युदयिकं चैव नैःश्रेयसिकमेव च Ms.12.88.
    -अर्थः anything that gives pleasure; Ms.6.26.
    -आगतम् welcome.
    -आजातः N. of Śiva.
    -आत्मक a. consisting of pleasure.
    -आत्मन् the Supreme Spirit, Brahma; पृथगाचरतस्तात पृथगात्मसुखात्मनोः Mb.13. 12.8.
    -आधारः paradise.
    -आप a. easily won or attained.
    -आप्लव a. suitable for bathing.
    -आयतः, -आयनः a good or well-trained horse.
    -आराध्य a. easy to be conciliated or propitiated.
    -आरोह a. of easy ascent.
    -आलोक a. good-looking, lovely, charming
    - आवह a. conducing to happiness, pleasant, comfortable.
    -आशः 1 eating at ease.
    -2 pleasant food.
    -3 N. of Varuṇa.
    -आशकः a cucumber.
    -आसक्तः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आसनम् a comfortable seat.
    -आसीन a. comfortably seated; also सुखनिविष्ट.
    -आस्वाद a.
    1 having a sweet taste, sweet-flavoured.
    -2 agreeable, delightful.
    (-दः) 1 a pleasant flavour.
    -2 enjoyment (of pleasure).
    -उचित a. accustomed to comfort or happi- ness.
    -उत्सवः 1 merry-making, pleasure, festival, jubi- lee.
    -2 a husband.
    -उदकम्, -उष्णम् warm water.
    -उदयः 1 dawn or realization of happiness.
    -2 an in- toxicating drink.
    -उदर्क a. resulting in happiness.
    -उद्भवा yellow myrobalan; L. D. B.
    -उद्य a. to be spoken easily or agreeably.
    -उपविष्ट a. comfortably seated, sitting at ease.
    -एषिन् a. desiring happiness, wishing well to.
    -ऊर्जिकः natron.
    -कर, -कार, -दायक a. giving pleasure, pleasant.
    -चारः a good horse.
    -जात a. happy; सुखजातः सुरापीतः...... Bk.5.38.
    -तन्त्र a. enjoying pleasure; अर्थधर्मौ च संगृह्य सुखतन्त्रो न चालसः Rām.2.1.27.
    - a. giving pleasure. (
    -दः) N. of Viṣṇu.
    (-दा) 1 a courtezan of Indra's heaven.
    -2 the river Ganges.
    -3 the Śamī tree. (
    -दम्) the seat of Viṣṇu.
    -दोह्या a cow easily milked.
    -प्रविचार a. easily accessible.
    -प्रश्नः inquiry as to welfare.
    -बद्ध a. lovely.
    -बोधः 1 sensation of pleasure.
    -2 easy know- ledge.
    -भागिन्, -भाज् a. happy.
    -भेद्य a. easy to be broken (fig. also), fragile, brittle.
    -मानिन् seeking joy in.
    -मोदा the gum olibanum tree.
    -रात्रिः 1 the night of new moon (when lamps are lighted in honour of Lakṣmī).
    -2 a night when the husband may legally cohabit with his wife; see Ms.3.47.
    -रात्रिः, -रात्रिका Lakṣmī.
    -रूप a. having an agreeable appearance.
    -वर्चकः, -वर्चस् m. natron, alkali.
    -वह a. easily borne or carried.
    -वासः a water-melon.
    -वेदनम् conscious- ness of pleasure.
    -श्रव, -श्रुति a. sweet to the ear, melodious; विविक्तवर्णाभरणा सुखश्रुतिः प्रसादयन्ती हृदयान्यपि द्विषाम् Ki.14.3.
    -संगिन a. attached to pleasure; बद्धमिव स्वैरगतिर्जनमिह सुखसंगिनमवैमि Ś.5.11.
    -संदु(दो)ह्या f. a cow easily milked; L. D. B.
    -संयोगः gain of eternal bliss; धर्मार्थप्रभवं चैव सुखसंयोगमक्षयम् Ms.6.64.
    -साध्य a. easy to be accomplished or cured &c.
    -सुखेन ind. most willingly.
    -सेव्य a. easy of access.
    -स्वर्श a.
    1 agreeable to the touch.
    -2 gratifying, pleasant; सेव्य- मानौ सुखस्पर्शैः शालनिर्यासगन्धिभिः R.1.38.
    -हस्त a. having a soft or gentle hand.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सुख _sukha

  • 13 सम्

    1) orᅠ stam cl. 1. P. samati orᅠ stamati, to be disturbed (accord. toᅠ some « to be undisturbed» ;

    cf. ṡam) Dhātup. XIX, 82 ;
    cl. 10. P. samayati orᅠ stamayati, to be agitated orᅠ disturbed Vop. ;
    2) ind. (connected with 7. sa andᅠ 2. sama, andᅠ opp. to 3. vi q.v.)

    with, together with, along with, together, altogether
    (used as a preposition orᅠ prefix to verbs andᅠ verbal derivatives
    andᅠ expressing « conjunction», « union», « thoroughness», « intensity», « completeness»
    e.g.. saṉyuj, « to join together» ;
    saṉ-dhā, « to place together» ;
    saṉ-dhi, « placing together» ;
    saṉ-tap, « to consume utterly by burning» ;
    sam-uccheda, « destroying altogether, complete destruction» ;
    in Ved. the verb connected with it has sometimes to be supplied, e.g.. ā́poagnímyaṡásaḥsáṉhípūrvī́ih, « for many glorious waters surrounded Agni» ;
    it is sometimes prefixed to nouns in the sense of 2. sama, « same» ;
    cf. samartha) RV. etc. etc.
    + like Gk. σύν,
    Lat. con,

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सम्

  • 14 xahutu

    1. ( txukundu) to tidy up, clean
    2. Kartak to clean up, take (sb) for everything, win everything from
    a. ( ezabatu) to rub out, erase, cross out
    b. ( suntsitu) to destroy, wipe out; gerratean \xahutu da etxe franko many houses were destroying during the war; izurrite izugarri batek jendea xahutzen zuen a terrible plague was wreaking havoc among the people
    4. ( dirua) to spend, disburse formala. ; irabazi guztiak edaritan \xahutu zuen he spent all he earned on drink da/ad. ( beroa, e.a.) to dissipate

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > xahutu

  • 15 Skin Wools

    These are the product of the fellmongering industry as carried on in the Colonies, on the Continent, and in this country to a smaller extent. They consist of the wool removed from the skins of sheep slaughtered for mutton purposes. Many of these " skin " wools are of excellent quality; but large quantities, through unsatisfactory treatment during separation, and because of the absence of sorting, and neglect in skirting, picking, etc., are only useful for medium and low-class goods. Such wools lack spinning property, have a harsh handle, and do not mill and dye in the manner of the " fleece " wools. " Skin " wools are of the following types: - (1) Sun-dried and removed from the skin by a process of sweating; (2) separated by chemical agency, chiefly by sodium sulphide; (3) sliped from the skin after fibre separation through the application of lime (see slipe). Mazamet, France, is a great centre of the fellmongering industry, and a big business is done. Wools that are often of excellent quality and colour are taken from skins collected from all the principal wool-growing parts, and forwarded to all the important manufacturing centres through agents. Wools of Class 2 are largely the product of Colonial fellmongering stations in which the industry is of more recent growth. The system employed is the sodium sulphide process. Sodium suphide has the property of destroying the epidermis of the skin while improving the quality of the pelt. A 10 per cent solution of sodium sulphide will dissolve wool completely in 15 minutes. After washing, the skins are painted on the flesh side with thick paint of sodium sulphide. The skins are allowed to lie overnight, and the roots of the wool become loosened, the hair bulbs being destroyed, after which the wool is readily pulled by hand.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Skin Wools

  • 16 κείρω

    κείρω, [tense] fut.

    κερῶ Pl.R. 471a

    , [dialect] Ion.

    κερέω Il.23.146

    : [tense] aor.

    ἔκειρα Pi. P.9.37

    , E.Tr. 1173, etc., [dialect] Ep.

    ἔκερσα Il.13.546

    ( ἀπο-, in tmesi), A. Supp. 666 (lyr.): [tense] pf.

    κέκαρκα Sammelb. 6002

    (ii B.C.), ( περι-) Luc. Symp.32:—[voice] Med., [tense] fut.

    κεροῦμαι E. Tr. 1183

    , ( ἀπο-) Pl.Phd. 89b: [tense] aor.

    ἐκειράμἡν Lys.2.60

    , etc., [dialect] Ep.

    ἐκερσάμην Call.Fr. 311

    , A.Pers. 953 (lyr.): —[voice] Pass., [tense] aor. 1 part. κερθείς (v.l. καρθ-) Pi.P.4.82: [tense] aor. 2 ἐκάρην [ᾰ] PSI4.368.45 (iii B.C.), subj.

    κᾰρῇ Hdt.4.127

    , inf. κᾰρῆναι, part. καρείς, Luc.Sol.6, Plu.Lys.1: [tense] pf. inf.

    κεκάρθαι Hdt.2.36

    : [dialect] Att. [tense] plpf.

    ἐκεκάρμην Luc.Lex.5

    . (Cf. Skt. kṛṇā´ti 'wound', Lat. caro: prob. also OE. scieran, Eng. shear.):—cut short, shear, clip, esp. of hair, σοί τε κόμην κερέειν (sc. Σπερχειῷ) Il.23.146, cf. Paus.1.37.3; κ. ἐν χρ [τὰς τρίχας] crop it close, Hdt.4.175;

    ἀλόχων κείραντες ἔθειραν E.Hel. 1124

    (lyr.): —more freq. in [voice] Med., cut off one's hair or have it cut off, as a sign of mourning (cf. κουρά)

    , τοῦτο.. γέρας οἶον ὀϊζυροῖσι βροτοῖσι, κείρασθαί τε κόμην βαλέειν τ' ἀπὸ δάκρυ παρειῶν Od.4.198

    , cf. 24.46, Il.23.46;

    πολύν σοι βοστρύχων πλόκαμον κεροῦμαι E.Tr. 1183


    κείρομαι κόμαν Id.Ph. 322

    (lyr.): abs., cut off one's hair,

    κείρασθε, συμπενθήσατ' Id.HF 1390


    ἐφ' οἷς ἡ πόλις ἐπένθησε καὶ ἐκείρατο Aeschin.3.211

    , etc.;

    ἄξιον ἦν ἐπὶ τῷδε τῷ τάφῳ κείρασθαι τῇ Ἑλλάδι Lys.

    l.c.: Com., πρὸς φθεῖρα κείρασθαι to have oneself close shorn, Eub.32:—[voice] Pass.,

    κουρᾷ.. πενθίμῳ κεκαρμένος E.Or. 458

    ; σύμβολον κ. half- cropped, Hermipp.14;

    τὰ ῥόδα κ. Pherecr.108.29

    ; also, of the hair, to be cut off,

    πλόκαμοι κερθέντες Pi.P.4.82


    βοστρύχους κεκαρμένους E.El. 515

    2 crop a person, σφέας αὐτοὺς καὶ τοὺς ἵππους, in sign of mourning, Hdt.9.24; κεκάρθαι τὰς κεφαλάς to have their heads shorn, Id.2.36;

    Θρᾳκιστὶ κέκαρμαι Theoc.14.46

    ; v. χρώς 1.2, ἐγκυτί; shear sheep,

    μάχαιραι κουρίδες, αἷς κείρομεν τὰ πρόβατα καὶ τοὺς ποιμένας Cratin.37

    ; κείρεσθαί ( tonderi) μου τὰ πρόβατα, ἀλλ' οὐκ ἀποξύρεσθαι ( deglubi) βούλομαι Tiber. ap. D.C. 57.10 (cf. infr. 3); τὸ μὲν [καρῆναι] ἐπὶ προβάτων τιθέασι καὶ ἐπὶ ἀτίμου κουρᾶς (cf. Luc.Sol.6),

    κείρασθαι δὲ ἐπὶ ἀνθρώπων Phryn.292

    ; but τῶν Ἀργείων ἐπὶ πένθει καρέντων Plu.l.c.;

    τῷ σε χρὴ δρεπάνοισι καὶ οὐ ψαλίδεσσι καρῆναι AP11.368

    (Jul. Antec.).
    3 metaph., 'fleece', plunder,

    τὴν μάμμην Herod.3.39

    II cut down,

    δοῦρ' ἐλάτης κέρσαντες Il. 24.450


    ὕλην S.Tr. 1196

    ; crop close, opp. ἐπιτέμνειν, Thphr.CP3.23.3; pluck,

    ἄνθη Philostr. VA1.5

    : metaph.,

    ἐκ λεχέων κ. μελιαδέα ποίαν Pi.P.9.37


    Ἄρης κέρσειεν ἄωτον A.Supp. 666

    2 ravage a country, esp. by cutting down crops and fruit-trees,

    τὸ πεδίον Hdt.5.63


    τέμενος Id.6.75

    , cf. OGI765.10 ([place name] Priene);

    τὴν γῆν Hdt.6.99

    , Th. 1.64;

    χώραν Aen.Tact.15.9

    ; destroy,

    πόλιν Call.Fr.1.60

    P.; also, clear, of pioneers,

    ὄρος Hdt.7.131

    :—[voice] Pass., of a country, to be ravaged,

    καρῆναι Id.4.127

    , cf. 8.65;

    κεκαρμένα κτήματα SIG364.67

    (Ephesus, iii B.C.):—[voice] Med., χθὼν πεύκας κειραμένη having its pine-trees cut down, AP9.106 (Leon.);

    ἄρουραι λήϊα κειράμεναι Ps.-Phoc.166

    : metaph., Σπάρτη.. ἐκείρατο δόξαν had her glory shorn off, Epigr. ap. Paus. 9.15.6; Ἄρης νυχίαν πλάκα κερσάμενος having had the plain swept clean (by destroying the men), A.Pers. 953 (lyr.).
    4 hew, carve,

    ἐπίβασιν Inscr.Cypr.99

    5 cut through transversely, opp. σχίζειν (slit longitudinally),

    φλέβα Antyll.

    ap. Orib.7.11.3.
    III generally, destroy, consume:
    1 tear, eat greedily, of beasts, κείρει τ' εἰσελθὼν βαθὺ λήϊον [ὄνος] Il.11.560; of fish,

    δημὸν.. ἐπινεφρίδιον κείροντες 21.204

    ; of vultures,

    ἧπαρ ἔκειρον Od.11.578

    , cf. Luc.DDeor. 1.1, DMort.30.1.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > κείρω

  • 17 Science

       It is a common notion, or at least it is implied in many common modes of speech, that the thoughts, feelings, and actions of sentient beings are not a subject of science.... This notion seems to involve some confusion of ideas, which it is necessary to begin by clearing up. Any facts are fitted, in themselves, to be a subject of science, which follow one another according to constant laws; although those laws may not have been discovered, nor even to be discoverable by our existing resources. (Mill, 1900, B. VI, Chap. 3, Sec. 1)
       One class of natural philosophers has always a tendency to combine the phenomena and to discover their analogies; another class, on the contrary, employs all its efforts in showing the disparities of things. Both tendencies are necessary for the perfection of science, the one for its progress, the other for its correctness. The philosophers of the first of these classes are guided by the sense of unity throughout nature; the philosophers of the second have their minds more directed towards the certainty of our knowledge. The one are absorbed in search of principles, and neglect often the peculiarities, and not seldom the strictness of demonstration; the other consider the science only as the investigation of facts, but in their laudable zeal they often lose sight of the harmony of the whole, which is the character of truth. Those who look for the stamp of divinity on every thing around them, consider the opposite pursuits as ignoble and even as irreligious; while those who are engaged in the search after truth, look upon the other as unphilosophical enthusiasts, and perhaps as phantastical contemners of truth.... This conflict of opinions keeps science alive, and promotes it by an oscillatory progress. (Oersted, 1920, p. 352)
       Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. (Einstein & Infeld, 1938, p. 27)
       A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. (Planck, 1949, pp. 33-34)
       [Original quotation: "Eine neue wissenschaftliche Wahrheit pflegt sich nicht in der Weise durchzusetzen, dass ihre Gegner ueberzeugt werden und sich as belehrt erklaeren, sondern vielmehr dadurch, dass die Gegner allmaehlich aussterben und dass die heranwachsende Generation von vornherein mit der Wahrheit vertraut gemacht ist." (Planck, 1990, p. 15)]
       I had always looked upon the search for the absolute as the noblest and most worth while task of science. (Planck, 1949, p. 46)
       If you cannot-in the long run-tell everyone what you have been doing, your doing has been worthless. (SchroЁdinger, 1951, pp. 7-8)
       Even for the physicist the description in plain language will be a criterion of the degree of understanding that has been reached. (Heisenberg, 1958, p. 168)
       The old scientific ideal of episteґmeґ-of absolutely certain, demonstrable knowledge-has proved to be an idol. The demand for scientific objectivity makes it inevitable that every scientific statement must remain tentative forever. It may indeed be corroborated, but every corroboration is relative to other statements which, again, are tentative. Only in our subjective experiences of conviction, in our subjective faith, can we be "absolutely certain." (Popper, 1959, p. 280)
       The layman, taught to revere scientists for their absolute respect for the observed facts, and for the judiciously detached and purely provisional manner in which they hold scientific theories (always ready to abandon a theory at the sight of any contradictory evidence) might well have thought that, at Miller's announcement of this overwhelming evidence of a "positive effect" [indicating that the speed of light is not independent from the motion of the observer, as Einstein's theory of relativity demands] in his presidential address to the American Physical Society on December 29th, 1925, his audience would have instantly abandoned the theory of relativity. Or, at the very least, that scientists-wont to look down from the pinnacle of their intellectual humility upon the rest of dogmatic mankind-might suspend judgment in this matter until Miller's results could be accounted for without impairing the theory of relativity. But no: by that time they had so well closed their minds to any suggestion which threatened the new rationality achieved by Einstein's world-picture, that it was almost impossible for them to think again in different terms. Little attention was paid to the experiments, the evidence being set aside in the hope that it would one day turn out to be wrong. (Polanyi, 1958, pp. 12-13)
       The practice of normal science depends on the ability, acquired from examplars, to group objects and situations into similarity sets which are primitive in the sense that the grouping is done without an answer to the question, "Similar with respect to what?" (Kuhn, 1970, p. 200)
       Science in general... does not consist in collecting what we already know and arranging it in this or that kind of pattern. It consists in fastening upon something we do not know, and trying to discover it. (Collingwood, 1972, p. 9)
       Scientific fields emerge as the concerns of scientists congeal around various phenomena. Sciences are not defined, they are recognized. (Newell, 1973a, p. 1)
       This is often the way it is in physics-our mistake is not that we take our theories too seriously, but that we do not take them seriously enough. I do not think it is possible really to understand the successes of science without understanding how hard it is-how easy it is to be led astray, how difficult it is to know at any time what is the next thing to be done. (Weinberg, 1977, p. 49)
       Science is wonderful at destroying metaphysical answers, but incapable of providing substitute ones. Science takes away foundations without providing a replacement. Whether we want to be there or not, science has put us in a position of having to live without foundations. It was shocking when Nietzsche said this, but today it is commonplace; our historical position-and no end to it is in sight-is that of having to philosophize without "foundations." (Putnam, 1987, p. 29)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Science

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